Our Vision

The Cumberland Trace church of Christ is an authentic, growing family trying to empower our whole community to please God and go to heaven.

A place for you.

Join us this Sunday morning at 9:30am. We meet Sunday nights at 6pm and Wednesday nights at 7pm.


Diverse religious shoot

Wednesday Night Bible Classes for All Ages

Current Adult Bible Class Options Auditorium: Leadership In Joshua Multi-Purpose Room: Sermon on the Mount (for ladies only) Wednesday Night Bible Study Every Wednesday night has been set aside for mid-week Bible study and a devotional for the whole church and guests. You can expect the following schedule: Bible classes are available for all ages. This time is used to study God’s Word, and to encourage each other in our daily walk with God. This normally lasts about 40 minutes.…
A book on a table

Sunday Morning Worship and Bible Classes

Current Adult Bible Class Options Auditorium: Book of Daniel Multi-Purpose Room: Book of Acts What to Expect for Worship Visiting a new church can be intimidating. When you’re our guest at the Cumberland Trace church of Christ, you will never be asked to stand up and introduce yourself or do any other activity that makes you feel uncomfortable. We’d just love to have you! We want you to feel comfortable when you visit us for worship services, so here is a…

I’m New Here

We welcome you to visit this Sunday…

Church Blog

Jim and Alice

With Jim Humphrey’s resignation from the eldership last Sunday, I wanted to take a moment to express a few things about him and Alice that I so appreciate. We’re thankful that they will continue to serve alongside us at Cumberland Trace, but God tells us to show honor to whom is due (Rom. 13:7). They are undoubtedly worthy. Hospitable, opening their home to many. Humble, never promoting their obvious talent, intelligence, and success, choosing rather to focus on others. United,…

Words on a Ring: Then and Now

I was 16, an average high school junior in 1964. I did not have the $17 it cost, so I asked for and received an advance from my boss, the Christian owner of an office supply store. I made $.70 an hour and I worked an unpaid 25 hours to repay the advance. But, like all my classmates, I wanted a senior class ring. I wore the ring routinely until it was unwise to do so in a later job:…

You are Perfect, Exactly the Way God Made You

President Donald Trump made this statement in the midst of his address to the joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol on the evening of March 4th. In its context, the president was asking congress to pass a bill permanently banning and criminalizing sex change operations in children. While I heartily agree with his appeal and his assessment, I hope it might help open doors of opportunity for Christians to talk to friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, and fellow students…

How Christians Should Listen to Sermons

The Bible emphasizes the importance of hearing and listening to the word of God. Faith comes from hearing the word of Christ (Romans 10:17). While we can imagine ourselves captivated by Jesus’ teachings in person, many of us struggle to listen attentively to modern-day sermons. Unlike other forms of media, sermons require focused, uninterrupted attention for thirty to forty minutes Afterall, the message we are hearing is the most important one in the world (1 Corinthians 1:18-25). So, how should…