Church Blog

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Keep Studying

I can say for certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my knowledge and understanding of Scripture is better than it was thirty years ago, ten years ago and even a year ago. I remember when I was just in to my 20’s, a new Christian and serious Bible student, I came across Luke 18:16-17 where Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I…

20 Things to Remember About God’s Grace

1. Jesus was filled with grace and truth (John 1:14) 2. Grace teaches Christians how to behave in view of Jesus’ return (Titus 2:11-14) 3. Grace can be received improperly if we fail to appreciate it (2 Cor. 6:1) 4. We are saved by grace through faith to perform good works (Ephesians 2:10) 5. Grace is a gift from God that makes us right with him when we receive it (Rom. 3:24) 6. A proper appreciation of God’s grace leads…

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Sostratos the Cnidian built this world-famous lighthouse in 297 B.C., located on the coast of the island of Pharos (Negev, The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, Rev., 1986: 27). It made the Greek poet Sopater’s list of the original seven wonders of the world. Examined with the other six, this lighthouse seems to have been the only wonder which also served a practical purpose. It would have towered nearly 400 feet above the sea, about forty stories tall. What…

Reminders About Evangelism

The last words of Jesus to his disciples was for them to take the gospel message out into the world and disciple the nations (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 1:8). The gospel is the good news about Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection and how belief in those truths and submission to Jesus as Lord saves a person’s soul (Acts 2:21, 4:12). Evangelism, the spreading and sharing of the good news, is the responsibility of the people of God in every…

The Church

Did you know that Paul uses the phrase, “the church” nine times in the relatively brief letter to the church at Ephesus? This is a church Paul worked with for three years (Acts 20:18,31). He taught them in person and then he sent this epistle full of teaching (Eph. 1-3) and application (Eph. 4-6). In both parts of the letter, he makes important statements about “the church.” “(God) gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which…

The Love of God

One of the most famous verses in the New Testament concerning God’s character is “God is love” (1 John 4:8). This does not mean that love is God, but it does help us as readers of Scripture to appreciate how loving the God of the Bible is toward humanity. As we learn of his care, character, and interaction with humanity we should be reminded that he is at the heart of everything else that he is, a loving creator. Sometimes…

Today, tomorrow

Four times today, I saw ambulances on the road. With lights and sirens, I thought of the effort of man and machine working to save the patient – to give that particular member of humanity another chance. Doctor, please give me a few more days to live, to make memories and better choices. I was reminded that we are all given the same thing – today. Reminded that we oft believe a little too much in tomorrow. (Proverbs 27:1) Today…

Fueled by Fellowship

There are occasions like family reunions, class reunions, church seminars, lectureships, and forums, and the like which allow us to see friends and loved ones sometimes for the first time in years. There is a joy and rejuvenation of spirit which comes along with such being brought together again. The reunion may seem to come at just the time we feel we need it, to aid us in coping with trouble, temptation, or trials. A kind word or warm greeting…

Why is Church Discipline So Rarely Practiced?

If a congregation ever needs to go through the horribly unpleasant process of withdrawing fellowship from anyone, there are usual concerns and questions about the process. Among the many things typically heard is, “I have never before seen it practiced.” That is undoubtedly true, given my experience as one who has grown up in the Lord’s church and having seen it so rarely practiced. I have some observations, in my experience, that suggest why it is so rarely practiced today.…

Reasons for the Christian to Rejoice

There will be a great reward in heaven for enduring earthly hardship (Matt. 5:10- 12) Your name is written in heaven (Luke 10:20) • We’re privileged to suffer for Jesus’ name (Acts 5:41) We’ve obeyed the gospel, and our sins are forgiven (Acts 8:39) The good things going on in other Christians’ lives (Romans 12:15) • The obedience of other Christians in difficult places (Romans 16:19) The gospel is being preached and shared throughout the world (Philippians 1:18) New converts…

What If He Wanted You Hung There?

What would happen if God changed the “plan of salvation” in this dramatic way? What if the voice of God parted the skies and spoke a new revelation to us, saying, “If you are crucified on a cross for your sins, you will be eternally saved!” Would you do it? Assuming that every human living heard and understood His mighty voice, don’t you suppose countless millions would line up to fulfill this requirement? The Bible says with Divine credibility that…

Heading in the Right Direction

The New Testament uses the word “walk” to describe one’s lifestyle. Our life here is a journey, and most of us travel along a path of our own choosing. As Christians, we must learn and apply the teachings of the Bible to assure that we are heading in the right direction. In the 13th chapter of the letter of Hebrews, we find a road map that will guide us into spiritual maturity. Although not exhaustive, this passage gives a short,…

God’s Work Throughout History

The God we serve is one who is active and involved. He has been active from their very beginning of time and will be active throughout history. God’s activity began in creating the world. God created the entire world very good in six days and rested on the seventh day (Gen.1:1-2:3). When God created human beings He did something special. God made man and woman in His image and in His likeness (Gen. 1:26-27, 2:7). Though God was good and…

Seeing Through Others’ Eyes

What is the greatest trial? What do men so despise? The hardest climb and dreariest mile Is seeing through another’s eyes.   It may appear uncomplicated, Completely cut and dry, But our “skills” may be overrated, As we try to see through the other’s eye.   We don’t know what they’re thinking, Can’t know their circumstance Or how abruptly their heart is sinking, From our outward, presumptuous glance   Their motivation is quite hidden, About their intentions we have no…

What Can I Do?

How many times have you heard a child say something like, “I’m bored; there’s nothing to do?” I guess it’s pretty normal for kids [who are accustomed to having their days structured and planned for them in school] to get bored during the summer or breaks during the school year. It’s usually not too difficult to find something for them to do and they’re satisfied. However, many adults, just like children, fall into the habit of saying, “The church doesn’t…

This is My Father’s World

The Bible begins by telling us that God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). Later passages of Scripture praise God for simply creating through the power of His words (Psa. 33:6,33:9). God not only created the world, but He currently holds it together by His power (Col.1:16-17; Heb. 1:2-3). While the Devil does have power and exercises some influence in the world (Jn. 14:30; 2 Cor. 4:4), the world still ultimately belongs to the God who created it…

My Father, From An Early Age

My father, from an early age you taught me to be true, But when I wavered on what that was, I could always look at you. You taught me how the Lord comes first at work, at school, at play But how much easier that became when you practiced that each day. Dear child, I may not perfectly that narrow path traverse But when you see me fail, dear child, I pray I will reverse For fathers come, they teach…

“Be Patient When Wronged”

This is what the inspired apostle Paul counseled Timothy to do. There are at least three implications in that powerful admonition. Consider them. “Be Patient When Wronged.” How do you handle mistreatment? Do you fly off the handle? Do you get revenge? Do you turn bitter? Do you gossip? Do you rail or have outbursts of anger? Paul says to be patient. That involves being slow to react, watching your words and attitude, and choosing your course of action deliberately!…

Adorable Children

We are blessed to have quite a few young children in our congregation. Little boys and little girls, with unexpected observations, expressive faces, and humorous behaviors, make sure there is not a dull moment when they are around. Inspired writers use terms like “inheritance” (Prov. 13:22) and “gift” (Psa. 127:3) to impress us with their value. Jesus demands imitation of them (Mat. 18:3). Parents get so proud of their children, displaying their cuteness in pictures on social media. While so…

People Who Got Worship Right

Much has been said about improper worship and those who worshiped God incorrectly in Scripture. Individuals like Nadab and Abihu, along with Aaron and the golden calf serve as demonstrations of what not to do as we approach Almighty God in worship (Exod. 32; Lev. 10:1-2). However, the Bible also supplies us with examples of individuals who got worship right. These are people who approached God in the right way, gave Him the right things, and are held up as…

Amazing Light Show!

Amazing Light Show! Recently, people right here in Kentucky were treated to a special light show usually only displayed in certain parts of the world. The headline from NBC read, “Stunning display of Northern light seen around the world.” While too tired to stay awake to see personally, I enjoyed seeing pictures from those who did. Similarly, last month some in Guatemala gathered to watch the Volcan del Fuego erupt at night. While watching, it first appeared that lightning struck…

The Blessing of Godly Mothers

Leroy Brownlow once wrote, “Of all the human names held sacred in memory, that of mother falls upon our hearts with the most sublime influence. How sweet in after years are the recollections of a mother’s patient training. How many have nobly ascribed all recognized success and all avoidance of evil to the tenderness and devotion of mother. Through helpless infancy her throbbing heart was our strong support and safe protection. Through the ills of the day and the maladies…

His Name Meant “Comfort”

Whose name meant “comfort”? Noah’s! Lamech says as much. When Noah was born, Lamech proclaimed, “This one shall give us rest from our work and from the toil of our hands arising from the ground which the Lord has cursed” (Gen. 5:29). The NIV and KJV, among others, put the word “comfort” for “rest.” Lamech was optimistic that Noah would help alleviate the labor pains of farming in cursed ground. Have you stopped to think about the meaning of Noah’s…

What Springtime Teaches Us About God

After the flood God promised that the seasons would always continue as long as the earth remains (Gen. 8:22). That means for those of us living in the northern hemisphere we can expect springtime to come somewhere between March 19 and March 21 every year. While many people may take the seasons for granted, Christians realize they are a blessing from God. It is right for us to observe nature and to see the lessons it teaches us about the…

20 Marks of a Life Lived by Faith

Our theme this year at Lehman Avenue is Living by faith. This theme is based on the words found in Romans 1:17 where Paul quotes from Habakkuk 2:4. When Paul writes, “the righteous shall live by faith,” he is saying those made right with God through the gospel should live their lives faithfully based upon that foundation. How can someone tell if we are living by faith? How can we tell? Are there any tangible signs? Here are some of…