See you April 24-27, 2025!
“There is much to profit from a study of the man called “The Messianic Prophet.”
Written in a different place and time, its truths still apply to our daily lives over 2700 years later. Join us as explore practical lessons from the book of Isaiah.”
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- 6:00-6:30 PM–Congregational singing led by Andy Baker (Arnold, MO)
- 6:30-7:15 PM–“Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet” (Isa. 1:18)(Tim Lewis, Oklahoma City, OK)
- 7:15-8:00 PM–“Whatever You Do, Do All To The Glory Of God” (1 Cor. 10:31)(Allen Webster, Jacksonville, AL)
- 8:00 AM–Meaningful Messianic Messages From Isaiah (Part One)(Dan Winkler, Spring Hill, TN)
- 9:00 AM–Auditorium: Background And Introduction (John Moore, Dripping Springs, TX)
- 9:00 AM–How To Study The Old Testament For All It’s Worth (Rom. 15:4)(Mike Vestal, Midland, TX)
- 9:00 AM–“Come Now, Let Us Reason Together”: Making Sense Of God’s Word (Allen Webster)
- 10:00 AM–Auditorium: Judah’s Social Sins (Isa. 1-5)(Eddie Parrish, Ft. Worth, TX)
- 10:00 AM–Text Questions: “Does Isaiah 7:14 Teach The Virgin Birth?”(Jason Jackson, Jackson, TN)
- 10:00 AM–Ladies: The Motivation For Eternal Glory (Titus 2:11-14)(Jania Otey, Montgomery, AL)
- 11:00 AM–Auditorium: Judah’s Judgment Preached (Isa. 6)(Kelvin Pugh, Maryland Heights, MO)
- 11:00 AM–Passages That Will Preach From Isaiah 1-23 (Bill Burk, Crandall, TX)
- 11:00 AM–What Isaiah Knew About The Church Of Christ (Isa. 2:1-4)(Caleb Colley, Jackson, TN)
- 1:30 PM–Auditorium: Judah’s Political Confusion (Isa. 7-12)(Scott Harp, Russellville, KY)
- 1:30 PM–Text Questions: “The Role Of Prophetic Foreknowledge In Isaiah” (Ernest Benjamin, Chesapeake, VA)
- 1:30 PM–What Isaiah Knew About Hell (Isa. 66:24)(Bud Woodall, Portland, TN)
- 2:30 PM–Auditorium: Isaiah’s Message Against The Foreign Nations (Isa. 13-23)(Caleb Colley)
- 2:30 PM–Passages That Will Preach From Isaiah 24-39 (Tim Lewis)
- 2:30 PM–Leadership Lessons: “Answering The Call Of Leadership” (Isa. 6)(Ken Burton, Elizabethtown, KY)
- 3:30 PM–Auditorium: God’s Ultimate Judgment And Deliverance (Isa. 24-27)(Jimmy Clark, Athens, AL)
- 3:30 PM–Text Questions: “Is Isaiah 53 About A Nation Or A Man?” (Rick Brumback, Henderson, TN)
- 3:30 PM–Ladies: Looking Up! Live With Kathy And Carla
- 6:00-6:30 PM–Congregational singing led by Andy Baker
- 6:30-7:15 PM–“Holy, Holy, Holy” (Isa. 6:3)(Melvin Otey, Montgomery, AL)
- 7:15-8:00 PM–“God Forbid That I Should Glory” (Gal. 6:14)(Jimmy Clark)
- 8:00 AM–Meaningful Messianic Messages From Isaiah (Part Two)(Dan Winkler)
- 8:00 AM–Passages That Will Preach From Isaiah 40-66 (Cliff Goodwin)
- 9:00 AM–Auditorium: Why God Disciplines His Own People (Isa. 28-34)(Jason Jackson)
- 9:00 AM–Text Questions: “How Many Books Of Isaiah Are There?” (Wayne Jones, Littleton, CO)
- 9:00 AM– Leadership Lessons: “Pictures Of Shepherding From Isaiah” (Richard Melson, Dayton, OH)
- 9:00 AM–Ladies: God Compared To A Mother In Isaiah (Isa. 49:15-16; 66:13)(Whitney Watson, Corsicana, TX)
- 10:00 AM–Auditorium: A Praise Break In Isaiah (Isa. 35)(Parker Webster, Lexington, KY)
- 10:00 AM–Youth: “A Child Shall Lead Them” (Isa. 11:6): What You Can Do For God Now (Brandon Watson, Corsicana, TX)
- 10:00 AM–Leadership Lessons: “Steering The Church In The Right Direction” (Isa. 9:16)(Glenn Hitchcock, Hampton, VA)
- 10:00 AM–Roundtable Discussion On Building A Devotional Life (Otey, Burk, Owen)
- 11:00 AM–Auditorium: A Historical Lesson On Death And Deliverance (Isa. 36-39)(Ernest Benjamin)
- 11:00 AM–Text Questions: “What Law Were The Gentile Nations Under?” (Bud Woodall)
- 11:00 AM–Ladies: Wife And Mother Imagery In Isaiah (Lacy Crowell, Henderson, KY)
- 11:00 AM–Youth: You Were Born For A Purpose (Diondre Hensley, Winchester, KY)
- 1:10 PM–Youth: “My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts…” (Easton White, Bowling Green, KY)
- 1:20 PM–Youth: “The Lord’s Hand Is Not Shortened That It Cannot Save” (Jarius Louis, Atlanta, GA)
- 1:30 PM–Auditorium: Deliverance From Captivity (Isa. 40-48)(Steve Atnip, Jacksonville, AL)
- 1:30 PM–Text Questions: “A Study Of “New Heavens, New Earth” In Isaiah (John Moore)
- 1:30 PM–Youth: Appreciating A Godly Heritage (1:2-4; 5:1-4)(Parker Webster)
- 2:30 PM–Auditorium: The Servant Of The Lord (Isa. 49-57)(Rick Brumback)
- 2:30 PM–Ladies: Reeling In Rebellion (Isa. 1:2-4)(Renita Archey, Cleveland, TN)
- 2:30 PM–Roundtable Discussion On Church Challenges (Hitchcock, Daughtery, Webster)
- 2:30 PM–Youth: Overcoming Discouragement (Isa. 40:29-30)(Kelvin Pugh)
- 3:30 PM–Auditorium: The Future Glory Of God’s People (Isa. 58-66)(Bart Warren, Glasgow, KY)
- 3:30 PM–Leadership Lessons: “Avoiding Arrogance In Times Of Success” (Isa. 39)(Eddie Parrish)
- 3:30 PM–Youth: Beholding The Glory Of The Lord In Evangelism (1 Chronicles 16:24)(Matt Wallin, Rome, GA)
- 3:30 PM–Roundtable Discussions On Marriage And Family (Pugh, Lewis, Moore)
- 6:00-6:30 PM–Congregational singing led by Andy Baker
- 6:30-7:15 PM–“Jesus, Name Above All Names” (Isa. 7)(Neal Pollard)
- 7:15-8:00 PM–“Beholding The Glory Of The Lord, Being Transformed…” (2 Cor. 3:18)(Hiram Kemp)
- 8:30 AM–Meaningful Messianic Messages From Isaiah (Part Three)(Dan Winkler)
- 9:30 AM–Auditorium: What To Do When You Feel God Has Abandoned You (Isa 40:27)(Steve Atnip)
- 9:30 AM–Ladies: Why Women Should Be Serious Students Of The Bible (Isa. 8:3; 34:16)(Cherie Vestal, Midland, TX)
- 9:30 AM–Youth: Glorifying God In Your Body And Your Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)(Jerry Elder, Spring Hill, TN)
- 10:30 AM–“Teach Me Lord To Wait” (Isa. 40:31)(Wayne Jones)
- 6:00 PM–“To God Be Glory Forever” (Rom. 11:36)(Bruce Daugherty)