

Our Mission and Vision

  • Our Mission
    • “Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission that was given o us by our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Luke 24:46).”
  • Our Vision
    • “Cumberland Trace church of Christ seeks to be an authentic, growing family trying to empower our whole community to please God and go to heaven.”

Vision Groups

“In the summer of 2020, our elders sat down to work on a strategic plan for the future of the Cumberland Trace congregation. After looking at the unique strengths and opportunities available to us here, they eventually drafted a vision statement to help us identify who we want to be. This vision helped us identify areas of emphasis or priorities for our congregation. Seven areas, which we call “vision groups,” were identified. These groups are comprised mostly of deacons along with other men who lead in areas of ministry (such as finance and youth program).

The goal of these vision groups is not only to lead in carrying out the vision and mission of the church here but also to involve as many members as possible in using their talents (Rom. 12; Eph. 4:11-16) to help reach our goals and objectives to the glory of God.

Already, this strategic plan has brought success and realized goals. The mailing of House to House, Heart to Heart, the “Light of the World” TV program on NBC, the revamped college ministry, the payoff of our Cumberland Trace property, the first Friday night singings, the teacher’s banquet, the greater use of the visitor’s center and greeting program, and much, much more have resulted directly or indirectly from this process.”

People shaking hands

Local Outreach

The Local Outreach Vision Group leads various operations with the single goal of reaching out to the community and developing lasting relationships with our neighbors for the growth of the Church.
Working on computer

Media and Tech

The Media & Tech Vision Group aims to provide clear sound and video in order to support the work of the church in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Plan concept

Relocation to 2688 Cumberland Trace Rd.

The Relocation Vision Group is working with the Relocation Committee to spearhead the efforts of Cumberland Trace’s future move to the new Cumberland Trace property. Current progress

Joyful Hearts

“The Blessed Gospel is for ALL.” The Joyful Hearts program at Cumberland Trace Church of Christ is a ministry for individuals within our community with intellectual disabilities.  Currently, we offer the following: An annual, one-day VBS for all ages with intellectual disabilities.  A Wednesday evening Bible Study for teenagers and adults with intellectual disabilities. A Sunday evening Bible class for all ages with intellectual disabilities.  Click/tap here to learn more
studying or education concept.


The Education Vision Group aims to equip Christians to know the Lord, to grow to spiritual maturity, and teach others the same. Foundation Christian Academy – (FCA Falcons) – Many of Lehman’s youth attend school with each other at FCA located on Three Springs Road here in Bowling Green. Having this strong school to prepare them for a life of spiritual, intellectual, and social growth while in a Christian setting is truly a blessing to our community. Evangelism University – Every…
Diverse religious shoot

Church Family

The Church Family Vision Group aims to foster the growth of Cumberland Trace’s spiritual family through various educational and non-educational events and activities.


The CREW at Cumberland Trace church of Christ If you have attended college far from your home, you know how difficult that transition can be for a young person just out of high school. Couple that with the fact that many young people struggle spiritually in this phase of life, college can be a tough place for the development and retention of one’s faith.  Cumberland Trace’s college group, The CREW (Connected, Ready, Equipped, Willing), led by the College and Young…
Earth day concept

Mission Work

The goal of the Missions Centerpoint Vision Group is to share the gospel with those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to hear it by supporting missionaries in various locations throughout the world. United States Federick Hicher – Bartow, Florida Matt Jones – Huron, South Dakota David Decker – State of Georgia Brad Harrub – Focus Press Publishing Georgia School of Preaching Ben Fronczek — Granville, Vermont Evangelize Kentucky Grant County Church of Christ (Dry Ridge, KY) Owenton Church…