
Greg Neville, Andy Wright, Hiram Kemp, Harold Nicks

The Education Vision Group aims to equip Christians to know the Lord, to grow to spiritual maturity, and teach others the same.

Foundation Christian Academy – (FCA Falcons) – Many of Lehman’s youth attend school with each other at FCA located on Three Springs Road here in Bowling Green. Having this strong school to prepare them for a life of spiritual, intellectual, and social growth while in a Christian setting is truly a blessing to our community.

Evangelism University – Every January, youth groups and their leaders descend on Savannah, Tennessee where they learn the skills that will enable them to share the gospel with their peers.

Challenge Youth Conference  (CYC) – Every February, youth groups travel to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for a three-day youth rally where others of “like precious faith” are impacted by the finest preachers within the churches of Christ.

Lads to Leaders – From kindergarten through college, youths exhibit skills that they’ve developed to become Bible school teachers, song leaders, speakers, and workers in the church. Adult mentors use the Bible to assist youth to develop talents through scripture memorization, Bible reading, speech preparation and debate, Bible bowl, and song leading. We attend the convention in Nashville, Tennesse, but there are many more that meet all over the country.

Church Camp – Every June an entire group converges on Big Reedy for a full week of Bible instruction and good fellowship. This is the place where many make the decision to become Christians or to rededicate themselves to Christ. Bonds are forged, and memories are made. The application can be downloaded here.

Horizons – Typically the fourth of July is spent by several of our youth at Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennesse. Horizons is geared for those in grades 7-12 to worship God and learn to lead by becoming disciples through service.

RUSH – In September, we plan to make a return visit to Freed-Hardeman for RUSH. Much like Horizons, RUSH is only a weekend meeting, but it is gratifying as a back-to-school retreat.

Joyful Hearts“The Blessed Gospel is for ALL.” The Joyful Hearts program at Cumberland Trace Church of Christ is a ministry for individuals within our community with intellectual disabilities.