Posts from August 2022
Spiritual Fitness
“Hypertrophy” refers to the enlargement of organs or tissues due to the increase in the size of its cells. This phenomenon is undesirable in certain contexts (e.g. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy—the condition in which the heart muscle becomes abnormally thick and obstructs the pumping of blood), but it is an important concept in the case of general muscle growth. Our body repairs/replaces damaged muscle fibers by fusing fibers together to form new ones. This process increases the number of fibers as well…
Unqualified, Inadequate, and Incompetent
As I think about the goals and desires of Cumberland Trace as it relates to the Great Commission, the words unqualified, inadequate, and incompetent come to mind when I think about my part in obeying that command. The work of a Christian can certainly seem overwhelming if we let it (2 Cor. 2:16). I am reminded of what Moses experienced when God called to him from the burning bush (Exod. 3:1-12). God had a great task for Moses. God was…
Saved By Grace, Not By Goodness
In 2011, I visited Johnstown, Pennsylvania, the town demolished by the great flood of 1889. David McCullough has written a compelling book chronicling that catastrophe caused, in great part, by careless men. In the visitor information center, I met an 85-year-old volunteer named Duane. He was a talker. After telling about the three floods that have struck the beleaguered city, he proceeded to tell me his life’s story. He said much, much more than I can include here, including how…
Finding Your Place in God’s Family
Psychologists and therapists have spent years researching birth order personality traits and coming up with birth order theories. They’ve concluded that firstborn children tend to be reliable, controlling, and conscientious. Middle children have been described as people-pleasers, those who thrive on friendships, and have a large social circle. The youngest child personality traits include being fun-loving, uncomplicated, self-centered, and attention-seeking. The only child has typically been described as mature for their age, perfectionists, diligent, and a leader. Whether or not…