What would it be like to live always rejoicing? Well, it is possible even in a complex world where suffering is a consequence of our actions or the acts of those around us.
God in His goodness and love has left His church so that in any circumstance we can find a way to rejoice (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and wait while we understand how those situations will work together for Good (Romans 8:28).
I’m sure that the church on Cumberland Trace is an instrument of God to help many to live rejoicing and I’ll tell you why.
The first day I visited everyone was a stranger, however between smiles and handshakes I saw how quickly we were all enjoying fellowship and I truly realized how good and pleasant it was to be with my brothers (Psalm 133:1), we were all rejoicing.
Later during the week we visited sisters who were in the hospital or in a place of care, and I thought about how hard it can be to be in those places. However, the most amazing thing was that by talking and praying together even in the midst of difficulty, we were all able to rejoice together by sharing good news (1 Corinthians 12:26).
I also realized that the work of preachers and elders is a lot, it seems that it never ends; but they were always rejoicing, thankful for their work and doing it with love because they know they are doing it for God (Colossians 3:23-24).
On Wednesday I witnessed how a soul was added to the church upon receiving the word of God and being baptized (Acts 2:41-42) and after that went rejoicing on his way (Acts 8:39). It was wonderful to see his smile knowing that God forgave him and made him His son.
I thank God for allowing me to share with Cumberland Trace coC and learn how in the church of Christ we can find refuge and reasons to always live rejoicing no matter what happens around us. Keep the Good work!
-Andrés Coto