Why is Church Discipline So Rarely Practiced?

Why is Church Discipline So Rarely Practiced?

If a congregation ever needs to go through the horribly unpleasant process of withdrawing fellowship from anyone, there are usual concerns and questions about the process.

Among the many things typically heard is, “I have never before seen it practiced.” That is undoubtedly true, given my experience as one who has grown up in the Lord’s church and having seen it so rarely practiced. I have some observations, in my experience, that suggest why it is so rarely practiced today.

  • It Takes Uncommon Courage On The Part Of Elders
  • It Takes So Much Time To Do Right
  • It Takes Such Wisdom To Proceed
  • It Takes An Extraordinary Measure Of Trust And Unity On The Part Of Members
  • It Takes A Deep, Involved Study Of The Bible To Avoid Gross Misunderstandings
  • It Takes Protracted, Passionate Prayer On The Part Of All
  • It Takes Humble Submission To Scripture In An Age Of Rebellion
  • It Takes Unpleasant Action Toward The Wayward Among Our Spiritual Family
  • It Takes A Dedication To Stay The Course Amid Strong Emotion And The Disapproval Of Some
  • It Takes Unwavering Impartiality
  • It Takes A Willingness To Do The Unpopular
  • It Takes A Preacher Willing To Give Vocal Support And Encouragement To Elders In And Out Of The Pulpit
  • It Takes Profound Compassion And Transparent Love From Beginning To End
  • It Takes A Clear Understanding Of What Follows The Last Step Of The Process

Perhaps if churches will begin to tackle some of these issues, church discipline will cease to be the forgotten commandment and stronger, more dedicated churches will result.


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