With Jim Humphrey’s resignation from the eldership last Sunday, I wanted to take a moment to express a few things about him and Alice that I so appreciate. We’re thankful that they will continue to serve alongside us at Cumberland Trace, but God tells us to show honor to whom is due (Rom. 13:7). They are undoubtedly worthy.
- Hospitable, opening their home to many. Humble, never promoting their obvious talent, intelligence, and success, choosing rather to focus on others.
- United, not just with each other, but leaders in unity in the local church and the brother- hood. Undaunted, though veterans of heartache, disappointment, and adversity.
- Meek, a word most often used to describe Jesus in the New Testament (Mat. 11:29; 21:5), but also of His faithful followers (Mat. 5:5), it means being gentle and mild. Modest, they are unquestionably embarrassed by this much attention.
- Praying, as many who have visited with the elders know (both lean heavily on prayer). Positive, able to see the sunny side of life, even when others find it elusive.
- Humorous, as in blessed with a great sense of humor. Jim’s is more dry and Alice’s vivacious, but you always leave them smiling or laughing. Heart, as in, who can miss the bigness or brightness of either’s.
- Relevant, staying current and being timeless. They may have logged a few decades, but they’ve maintained a classy trendiness. Reverent, lovers of worship, song, and the God to whom such is due.
- Evangelistic, a couple whose eyes and hearts are ever on souls. Engaging, a couple who are full of interesting stories, life’s experiences, and anecdotes that are funny and fascinating.
- Youthful, as much like their relevance, you don’t associate them with age. Their souls are young. Yielding, driven strongly by the desire to let God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Mat. 6:10).
This congregation is full of wonderful, godly people. Cumberland Trace is a great church. Jim and Alice Humphrey are two important, special reasons why. We love you both.