2 Timothy 4:2 KJV “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:2 was a favorite verse of gospel preacher Leroy Garner. Brother Garner was a good friend and preached many years for the Villa Rica (GA) church of Christ. He often said that Christians have many tasks (other than preaching) to be done “instant in season and out of season.” I agree. Therefore, following that assertion, I’d like to write a few thoughts to you that might be out-of-season regarding recent events that seemed out-of-season.
To all of you who sent Christmas cards, thank-you cards, Valentine’s Day cards, made phone calls to check on neighbors, and encouraged the church family, I want to say “thank-you!” That support was needed, especially in the pandemic and post-tornado situation we found ourselves in during December.
To all of you who helped with the debris cleanup, giving of your time, talent, and treasure to aid our neighbors following the tornado outbreak, “thank-you!” Some served for one day and others served for may days. Again, “thank-you” for whatever you did to help.
Over the years, I have heard preachers say that there has never been a prejudice in the world as fomenting as was felt between Jews and Samaritans during the time of Christ. If this is true, then the actions of the priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37 are all quite remarkable-but especially the Samaritan. He would not likely have been in fellowship with, nor in theological unity with, the injured traveler going from Jerusalem to Jericho. Nonetheless, he did what was right. He did more than have compassion (a thought) – he showed compassion (an action). Further still, Jesus (a Jew) used the example of a Samaritan to instruct Jews (and future Christians) to “Go and do likewise.” James would later say (2:8) that to fulfill the royal low was to be “doing well.”
A tornado outbreak is something for which we were not fully prepared in December 2021. However, I believe we responded the best that we could, trying to emulate Luke 10:37 and introduce our Lord to all we met—while knowing that many of those we assisted do not think (or live) as we do regarding many spiritual issues.
Consider this: If the man who “fell among thieves” in Luke 10 sought out spiritual guidance following his mishap, which of the three other men (who came passing by) would you expect to have the greatest credibility with him?
The Bible says, “By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) We say Jesus died for the whole world, including those who physically put him to death long ago. (John 3:16-17) Jesus’ death and his parable had no filters. Be encouraged that this congregation showed God to so many people in distress-who likely had never met Him before.1 Corinthians3:6is a process. Thank you all!