The Right Kind of Salt

The Right Kind of Salt

Here we are a few weeks into meeting at our new building on Cumberland Trace, and for the first 2 weeks we experienced some challenges associated with the weather.

As I write this, it is snowing. But, to prepare for the removal of the snow in order for everyone to be able to get into the building safely, we did what is referred to as “pre-salting.” The idea is to get salt down on the hard surfaces before the snow in order to speed the melting and removal process. It works. The salt melts the snow. However, in the summer, we use this same salt in our ice-cream maker to freeze the ice-cream faster. It seems pretty hard to explain unless you are a chemistry major, I suppose. So what’s the point you ask? Jesus says in Matthew 5:13 that we are the salt of the earth, and in Mark 9:50, He says, “Salt is good.” He continues in both of those passages to tell us that salt can lose it’s flavor and it is good for nothing but to be thrown out.

As we continue to spread the Gospel everywhere we go, I want to encourage us all to be the right kind of salt. We must be careful not to be so “hot” that we melt people away and not to be so “cold” that we freeze them up. It takes discipline and dedication to be the right kind of salt. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 that He became all things to all men, all the while abiding in God’s law, so that He might save some. I suppose this is a proper application of being salt in an otherwise bland world.

-Kevin Eubanks


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