Today, tomorrow

Today, tomorrow

Four times today, I saw ambulances on the road. With lights and sirens, I thought of the effort of man and machine working to save the patient – to give that particular member of humanity another chance. Doctor, please give me a few more days to live, to make memories and better choices. I was reminded that we are all given the same thing – today. Reminded that we oft believe a little too much in tomorrow. (Proverbs 27:1)

Today at work, I was asked about an email I was certain I received last year – only to find out that the email was dated from three years ago! Today I told a co-worker of my oldest grandson’s seventh birthday this year – only to find out that he’s actually eight! Today I planned to finish a big project – only to find out that everyone involved had their schedules rearranged due to unexpected circumstances. So, against my plans, it will wait for another day. (James 4:13-17) I just blinked – and my 40’s turned into my 60’s! And Dad has been gone for 20 years. Wow. Time flies? Yes.

Today I was reminded that we all (as Linda Ellis wrote) have “The Dash.” A dash to write. A dash to spend. A dash of choices that will shape our eternity. Read her poem. It’s powerful.

Today, we can: Resist the devil and draw near to God…Do good to all men…Share the Gospel message…Be known for our love of others…Be patient and forgiving…Read God’s Word every day…Pray without ceasing…Follow Jesus’ commandments…Thank God for mercy, grace, peace and salvation.

But here’s a “time flies” checkup. How are you doing on Hiram’s “7 Things to Say This Week” when this week has already become last week! What about your answer to the bulletin question “What If He Wanted You Hung There” from Neal’s article? Hiram and Neal’s powerful sermons and bulletin articles from August 2024 have been a blessing, overflowing with practical, encouraging and edifying insight into God’s Will. Though much of it can be challenging, it is still a golden time to be a member at Lehman! Re-read, re-watch and re-consider these great lessons.

We have today. Tomorrow is never a certainty. Robert Frost famously wrote “nothing gold can stay.” I suppose he was correct – except for heaven – where those gold streets last forever. So today be ready to walk on God’s streets of gold. Time flies. Our last tomorrow will be here sooner than we think.

-John K. Gott


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