Posts from April 2022

Jesus and the Teacher

In the Wednesday night college class, we are walking through the gospel of John, scrutinizing its contents and structure to gain insight into what message the author John was trying to convey to his original audience. One of the interesting patterns that we see throughout the gospel of John is how John depicts Jesus’ authority and nature (as the Christ—Son of God) through the challenging claims he makes and the signs he does. A great example of this is found…

Owning Our Faith

How many times has someone asked you, “Why are you a Christian?” Well to be honest, I cannot recall one time anyone asked me that question, but do you have the answer if they do? I guess my first response would be that my mom was a member of the Church. But is that a valid answer? No! Our parents’ faith is not our faith. Yes, they can pass their faith down to you; look at the example of Abraham,…
These boys are best friends

What about Baptized Boys And Bible Class?

1 Timothy 2:11-14 clearly states, “A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.” Herein, God through Paul limits the role of woman in the work and corporate function of the church. Therefore, she…

The Suffering of Christ and Commitment

Jesus died an awful death. Ruthless assassins, terrorists, sadistic and serial killers, savage and perverted criminals have all received much more humane treatment than He received that day. What Jesus endured at the cross can only be described as vicious. Consider the violent aspects of His crucifixion. There was physical torture. He was scourged, beaten with a jagged whip (Mat. 27:27). He was fitted with a crown of thorns (Mat. 27:29). He was hit on the head repeatedly with a…

Blessed to be a Christian

God is the one who blesses us with every good thing we enjoy (James 1:17). God’s blessings are not reserved for Christians alone. Jesus said that God sends rain on the just and on the unjust and he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good (Matt. 5:45). This means that even agnostics and atheists benefit from the goodness of the God that they claim is not there. God loves every human being because we are made…