Posts from March 2024
20 Marks of a Life Lived by Faith
Our theme this year at Cumberland Trace is Living by faith. This theme is based on the words found in Romans 1:17 where Paul quotes from Habakkuk 2:4. When Paul writes, “the righteous shall live by faith,” he is saying those made right with God through the gospel should live their lives faithfully based upon that foundation. How can someone tell if we are living by faith? How can we tell? Are there any tangible signs? Here are some of…
Always Rejoicing
What would it be like to live always rejoicing? Well, it is possible even in a complex world where suffering is a consequence of our actions or the acts of those around us. God in His goodness and love has left His church so that in any circumstance we can find a way to rejoice (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and wait while we understand how those situations will work together for Good (Romans 8:28). I’m sure that the church on Cumberland…