Posts from 2024

His Name Meant “Comfort”

Whose name meant “comfort”? Noah’s! Lamech says as much. When Noah was born, Lamech proclaimed, “This one shall give us rest from our work and from the toil of our hands arising from the ground which the Lord has cursed” (Gen. 5:29). The NIV and KJV, among others, put the word “comfort” for “rest.” Lamech was optimistic that Noah would help alleviate the labor pains of farming in cursed ground. Have you stopped to think about the meaning of Noah’s…

What Springtime Teaches Us About God

After the flood God promised that the seasons would always continue as long as the earth remains (Gen. 8:22). That means for those of us living in the northern hemisphere we can expect springtime to come somewhere between March 19 and March 21 every year. While many people may take the seasons for granted, Christians realize they are a blessing from God. It is right for us to observe nature and to see the lessons it teaches us about the…

20 Marks of a Life Lived by Faith

Our theme this year at Lehman Avenue is Living by faith. This theme is based on the words found in Romans 1:17 where Paul quotes from Habakkuk 2:4. When Paul writes, “the righteous shall live by faith,” he is saying those made right with God through the gospel should live their lives faithfully based upon that foundation. How can someone tell if we are living by faith? How can we tell? Are there any tangible signs? Here are some of…

Always Rejoicing

What would it be like to live always rejoicing? Well, it is possible even in a complex world where suffering is a consequence of our actions or the acts of those around us. God in His goodness and love has left His church so that in any circumstance we can find a way to rejoice (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and wait while we understand how those situations will work together for Good (Romans 8:28). I’m sure that the church on Lehman…

Reasons to Attend Bible Class Every Sunday

Attend because you want to honor God in the special way that occurs when the church assembles to study His Word (1 Tim. 4:13) Attend because you want to encourage others and be with them every opportunity you can (1 Thess. 5:11; Rom. 15:4) Attend because you find the study of God’s Word so meaningful (Psa. 119:105) Attend because there’s so much of the Bible you have yet to master, and you want to hear what the teacher and the…

Building Blocks of a Strong Church

Jesus promised to build his church and he guaranteed the gates of hades would not stop him from keeping his promise (Matt. 16:18-19). When we read the book of Acts we learn of how the church started in Jerusalem and eventually spread throughout the entire Roman Empire (Acts1:8; Col. 1:23). While the first century church was not perfect they were successful in doing the things Jesus wanted them to do. We should read and study Acts for many reasons, but…

This is Not My Home

In an understatement, I am not a world traveler. I had much rather spend time at home than traveling, especially to places far from home. I’m a homebody, so traveling to unfamiliar places is not easy. Yet, I have occasionally wondered what folks in other parts of the world are like. I recently learned when I journeyed far from home. I most likely do not blend in very well. I certainly would be identified as an outsider rather quickly if…

Clarifying Love

Love is one of the most misunderstood and abused words in the English language. Some of the more unloving things are done in its name. It is confused with lust, neglect, abuse, ignorance, and encouragement of evil. Even in religion, love is the banner of everything from hatred and terrorism to gross immorality and perversion. It is helpful to remind ourselves what constitutes love. LOVE DOES NOT ENABLE WEAKNESS. Pretending that a loved one does not have a sin problem…

Faith That Makes a Difference

Wouldn’t it be great to have it said of us at the end of our lives that we pleased God and even impressed him with how we lived? When we read the gospels one of the things that stands out is how often Jesus praised people for having faith in him. Whenever someone believed he could heal, forgive, or restore he made sure to applaud their faith and point it out for his disciples. Jesus never praised any one for…

Why These Are Exciting Times

I am filled with a tremendous sense of optimism that is not generated by politics, current events, the media, the economy, or any other worldly thing. Yet, I cannot shake this swelling tide of hope that fills me on a daily basis. It is a hope for what the church and its members can be in the face of the growing challenges we face in this culture and around the world. Why are these such exciting times? The darkness is…

An Obituary from the Summer of 1896

Nannie Van Hooser, wife of Perry F. Van Hooser, was born November 26, 1873; and departed this life at her mother’s home in Jackson County, July 16, 1896. The deceased was married December 7, 1893. She obeyed the Gospel in September 1895, and lived ever afterwards a faithful, earnest Christian. Sister Nannie was a very bright and noble specimen of womanhood, and clung to life with great energy and hope, being a victim of that fell destroyer, Consumption. She was…

A Hope That Does Not Disappoint

A little child with eyes so bright, Looks to a big day coming. Dreams big dreams with star-filled sight, Can you hear the joyous humming? Too often, the big event falls flat Of all the child dared to hope Or it quickly flies by with an eyelash’s bat, And with let downs the li’l one must cope. The grown-up marks the calendar And scrimps and saves and researches Counts down the days in wistful surrender, As the dream vacation lurches.…