Posts from August 2024

Today, tomorrow

Four times today, I saw ambulances on the road. With lights and sirens, I thought of the effort of man and machine working to save the patient – to give that particular member of humanity another chance. Doctor, please give me a few more days to live, to make memories and better choices. I was reminded that we are all given the same thing – today. Reminded that we oft believe a little too much in tomorrow. (Proverbs 27:1) Today…

Fueled by Fellowship

There are occasions like family reunions, class reunions, church seminars, lectureships, and forums, and the like which allow us to see friends and loved ones sometimes for the first time in years. There is a joy and rejuvenation of spirit which comes along with such being brought together again. The reunion may seem to come at just the time we feel we need it, to aid us in coping with trouble, temptation, or trials. A kind word or warm greeting…

Why is Church Discipline So Rarely Practiced?

If a congregation ever needs to go through the horribly unpleasant process of withdrawing fellowship from anyone, there are usual concerns and questions about the process. Among the many things typically heard is, “I have never before seen it practiced.” That is undoubtedly true, given my experience as one who has grown up in the Lord’s church and having seen it so rarely practiced. I have some observations, in my experience, that suggest why it is so rarely practiced today.…

Reasons for the Christian to Rejoice

There will be a great reward in heaven for enduring earthly hardship (Matt. 5:10- 12) Your name is written in heaven (Luke 10:20) • We’re privileged to suffer for Jesus’ name (Acts 5:41) We’ve obeyed the gospel, and our sins are forgiven (Acts 8:39) The good things going on in other Christians’ lives (Romans 12:15) • The obedience of other Christians in difficult places (Romans 16:19) The gospel is being preached and shared throughout the world (Philippians 1:18) New converts…