God’s Work Throughout History

God’s Work Throughout History

The God we serve is one who is active and involved. He has been active from their very beginning of time and will be active throughout history. God’s activity began in creating the world. God created the entire world very good in six days and rested on the seventh day (Gen.1:1-2:3). When God created human beings He did something special. God made man and woman in His image and in His likeness (Gen. 1:26-27, 2:7). Though God was good and kind in creating mankind, Adam and Eve sinned and rebelled against Him (Gen. 3:1-6). While God was disappointed over their sin, He was still involved in their lives. God clothed Adam and Eve properly and gave the first biblical prophecy of the coming Messiah who would come and fix the world they had broken (Gen. 3:15, 3:21-24).

As you read the Old Testament God is at work in saving humanity from complete annihilation by showing grace to Noah even though the rest of the world was wicked and evil (Gen. 6:5-8). God worked through Abraham and promised to bless the entire human race through his seed (Gen. 12:1-3; cf. Gal. 3:15-16). Later God used Moses to lead the people out of Egypt and through the Red Sea (Exod. 1-14). God worked through the nation of Israel to preserve Abraham’s seed so the Savior could come to the world (Exod. 19:5-6; 2 Sam. 7:12-14). When we fast forward to the New Testament we read of God working in the world by entering the world and becoming a human being (John 1:1-5,1:14). Jesus came to earth to reveal the character, nature, and love of the Father to us (John 14:1-9). God’s work in the world reached its zenith in the sinless life of Jesus and his sacrifice on behalf of sinful humanity (John 19:30; 2 Cor. 5:21). When Jesus ascended back to the Father he left His disciples on earth to continue the work He started (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8).

God is still working in the world today. God is working in the world through His people who submit to Him and surrender their lives for Him to use (Isa. 6:8; Phil. 2:13). God is still working through His church as we spread the gospel in our community and throughout the world (Eph. 3:20-21). God continues to work as He answers prayers and providentially protects and blesses His people (Gen. 50:19-20). The question is not, “Is God at work today?” The question for every one of us is, “Will I let God be at work in me today?” God has worked throughout history, and He is working now, don’t miss out on what He’s doing!

-Hiram Kemp


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