Reasons to Attend Bible Class Every Sunday

Reasons to Attend Bible Class Every Sunday

Attend because you want to honor God in the special way that occurs when the church assembles to study His Word (1 Tim. 4:13)

Attend because you want to encourage others and be with them every opportunity you can (1 Thess. 5:11; Rom. 15:4)

Attend because you find the study of God’s Word so meaningful (Psa. 119:105)

Attend because there’s so much of the Bible you have yet to master, and you want to hear what the teacher and the other students may have to say about it (Psa. 119:160)

Attend because what you do know and have learned you feel compelled to share when given the opportunity occasioned by assembling for classes (Acts 2:42)

Attend because you often meet those searching for truth, those new to the area, and those brothers and sisters visiting from out of town during those times (Heb. 10:24-25)

Attend because you think it sets a good example for my family, friends, and neighbors (1 Tim. 4:12)

Attend because the very exercise of what’s done in studying Scripture, if your heart is engaged, helps you grow in your Christian walk and strengthens you for the week ahead (1 Pet. 3:15)

Attend because you want to rise above the bare minimum expectations (Matt. 6:33)

Attend because so many talented brothers and sisters have given hours in preparation for he wonderful task (Eph. 4:11-12)

Certainly there are many more and probably better answers regarding the motivation for attending Bible class every week. Try to prioritize the assemblies above the unnecessary things and the things that will not endure beyond this life. When you can attend, want to attend and resolve that you will attend! There’s always room for more!

-Neal Pollard


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