What Did This “VBS” Stand For?

What Did This “VBS” Stand For?

The theme was timely and smart. Involvement was impressive! Attendance was perhaps unprecedented! It’s easy to see that so many of our Lehman family “stood for” this year’s Bible School! Community interest was astounding! Thank you for everyone you invited. Advertising was a huge success (thanks to David Chang for his parting effort, a fitting final effort in what has been an outstanding work by him with this church). But what did this VBS stand for?

Visitors Bombarding Services! Not just folks who came from area congregations of the Lord’s church, but friends from the community. This reveals interest in spiritual things as well as an interest in what we have to offer by way of spiritual things. Some say people are no longer interested in God or church. Our VBS exploded that myth.

Viable Bible Studies! Connected to our visitors coming, we have made a connection. Let’s follow up on that, encourage them to keep visiting, and, especially if you have a relationship with them, ask them if they would like to know more about how to become a member of the church here. The event that ran last Sunday through Wednesday was not an end unto itself. It was a means to this vital end!

Volunteers Brightly Shining! Kitchen help, keepers, teachers, organizers, decorators, food-bringers, servers, set up and clean up crew members, etc., etc. You showed the heart of Jesus by being a servant (John 13:12-17). You may not have washed any dirty feet, but you were willing to do what was needed!

Vital Bridge Starter! Not only was VBS not an end in itself, it connects us to what comes next. September 8-10 is our congregational seminar, “Equipping Everyone for Eternity” with David Sproule of West Palm Beach, Florida. Sunday, September 10, is a “Friends And Family Day.” Treat it like the old “Plumb Full Sunday.” Only, let’s try to invite back these friends who came for VBS and others of our friends and family who are not a part of the Lord’s church! Not only that, but use VBS as a bridge to our “Into The Word” class which starts back a week from tomorrow (August 7th)! Bring someone with you!

Vehement Believing Souls! Victorious, Blessed Savior! Visibly Beautiful bolution!


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