Posts from July 2024

What If He Wanted You Hung There?

What would happen if God changed the “plan of salvation” in this dramatic way? What if the voice of God parted the skies and spoke a new revelation to us, saying, “If you are crucified on a cross for your sins, you will be eternally saved!” Would you do it? Assuming that every human living heard and understood His mighty voice, don’t you suppose countless millions would line up to fulfill this requirement? The Bible says with Divine credibility that…

Heading in the Right Direction

The New Testament uses the word “walk” to describe one’s lifestyle. Our life here is a journey, and most of us travel along a path of our own choosing. As Christians, we must learn and apply the teachings of the Bible to assure that we are heading in the right direction. In the 13th chapter of the letter of Hebrews, we find a road map that will guide us into spiritual maturity. Although not exhaustive, this passage gives a short,…

God’s Work Throughout History

The God we serve is one who is active and involved. He has been active from their very beginning of time and will be active throughout history. God’s activity began in creating the world. God created the entire world very good in six days and rested on the seventh day (Gen.1:1-2:3). When God created human beings He did something special. God made man and woman in His image and in His likeness (Gen. 1:26-27, 2:7). Though God was good and…

Seeing Through Others’ Eyes

What is the greatest trial? What do men so despise? The hardest climb and dreariest mile Is seeing through another’s eyes.   It may appear uncomplicated, Completely cut and dry, But our “skills” may be overrated, As we try to see through the other’s eye.   We don’t know what they’re thinking, Can’t know their circumstance Or how abruptly their heart is sinking, From our outward, presumptuous glance   Their motivation is quite hidden, About their intentions we have no…