Don’t Mail It In On 2023

Don’t Mail It In On 2023

I’m sure you’ve heard this phrase before: “He’s mailed it in.” It describes someone who delivers a performance without commitment or effort, with lackluster results. People usually “mail it in” when they give their two-week notice on a job or when the sports game is nearly over and there’s no chance of winning. An individual or group that has mailed it in may not quit outright, but they are just going through the motions and have already surrendered internally. As 2023 is coming to an end, be sure not to mail it in spiritually.

People typically set goals for the new year, which can be great, but be careful not to give up on the time remaining in 2023 (Prov. 27:1). Think of the time left in this year and do your best to make the most of it. Be sure not to put off until January the things that can be done right now. Keep your eyes open for opportunities for service and spiritual growth in this final month of the year (Eph. 5:16). Our biggest spiritual breakthrough may come when we least expect it. Righteousness must never be postponed for a future time (Prov. 3:28). Let us remember how short our time is so that we can maximize the time given to us (Psa. 89:47). Here are a few ways to capitalize on the final month of 2023 to the glory of God:

  • Invite someone to church once a week for the final month of the year (Acts 8:4)
  • Pick a short book of the Bible (e.g., Phil., 1 Tim., Ruth) and read it through every week for the final month to become deeply acquainted with its content (2 Tim. 2:15)
  • Pray through the church directory at least once. Take a few names/families daily and pray for them until you’ve worked your way through it (Rom. 12:12; 1 Thess. 5:25)
  • Determine not to willfully miss any church assembly (Heb. 10:24-25)
  • Greet a visitor or member you haven’t spoken to in a while (Rom. 12:10)
  • Find a way to get involved in serving others. If you need help with this, talk to the elders or preachers about a way to get plugged in (Gal. 6:10)
  • Try and strike up at least one spiritual conversation daily with someone (your spouse, children, co-workers, neighbors; 2 Cor. 4:13)
  • Visit a shut-in or sick person, pray with them, and seek to serve them in the way(s) they need it most (James 1:27)

It has been a great year to be a child of God, but remember, it is not over. It is a busy time of year, and it’s tempting to put our Christianity on the shelf until the first part of January. Remember, we serve a Savior who did not quit early, but he finished his work (John 17:4-5, 19:30). Let us be finishers too!


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