This is Not My Home

This is Not My Home

In an understatement, I am not a world traveler. I had much rather spend time at home than traveling, especially to places far from home. I’m a homebody, so traveling to unfamiliar places is not easy. Yet, I have occasionally wondered what folks in other parts of the world are like. I recently learned when I journeyed far from home. I most likely do not blend in very well. I certainly would be identified as an outsider rather quickly if I visit any place where the culture and surroundings are different from home. If I was just walking around, I’d be more than noticeably different. That makes me think of a different kind of walking around.

In our spiritual walk, are we or are we not noticeably different? Perhaps we sometimes try to blend in, perhaps hoping we will not be viewed as a foreigner. Are the spiritual differences that define us, or should define us, at odds from those who don’t walk in the “way” and does that cause us to be ashamed or embarrassed, even slightly or briefly? Let us never be ashamed of who we are, and whose we are. Mark 8:38 tells us that will result in Jesus being ashamed of us “when He comes in the glory of His Father.” We are each called to be an image bearer of God (Genesis 1:26-27). That means we must reflect God’s character and His very nature to whomever we meet, whether neighbor or complete stranger. We are different from non-Christians, no matter where we call home (temporary though it is) or where we visit. This place really is not our home. Our eternal home is with Jesus Christ. For now, we represent Jesus Christ, His values and priorities. The inspired Paul told us how we accomplish this when he wrote: “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).

We may not live, look or talk like folks we encounter when we travel; but we’re also called to be different from folks nearby who haven’t yet begun fulfilling God’s purpose in their life. When we encounter strangers or foreigners, we have nothing about which we should be ashamed, embarrassed or shy, even if we are different. We bear the image of Almighty God, and that’s what others should always see when they cast their eyes on us. And let’s not forget what we should see when we cast our eyes on them (Mark 16:15-16).


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